Sunday, December 29, 2019

Leadership Styles And Characteristics Of Leadership

Leadership Styles and Characteristics Leadership goes beyond management, for some, leadership is instinctual and pours over into your personal life. This paper will discuss a leader I admire in my personal life, and analyze their leadership style. I will discuss how that leader has influenced my leadership style, as well as how things like environment and the economy affect my leadership approach. Leader and Company For as long as I can remember my mother has been a remarkable leader. When I was young she worked as a manager for an apparel manufacturer. I often saw her in action when she took me to work with her on days I was sick. My siblings and I learned at a very young age, that hard work means something, and being passion about†¦show more content†¦She has knowledge she’s is willing to share and works alongside her colleges on every account. Darla believes in working through a problem with her employees, letting them to understand the process and learn from mistakes as they go along. She understands that her experience is valuable to her employees and wants build them up and use that experience to improve their skills. As a supportive leader, she takes time out to listen to what is needed and act accordingly. That is her leadership style at its core, but she understands when the delegator needs to come out to make the difficult decisions and provide struct ure. She understands who needs the hands-on attention and who needs autonomy/independence. Darla still teaches me to lead by example. To be the first person in and the last out. To work hard set an example for others. Most of all, to understand that it is not only about how well you do, that you are only as good as your team and it’s your job to help those around you in any way you can. My Leadership Style My own leadership style could be considered very similar to my mothers, our personalities are very similar and she was the first person I learned from, so it only makes sense. I consider honesty to be the most important trait. I work to be as transparent as possible with my team. With that comes being open and clear with communication. I have also found that being passion about your job and what you do has a huge impact on how followers see you.Show MoreRelatedLeadership Styles And Characteristics Of Leadership1301 Words   |  6 PagesComposition 28 October 2016 Leadership Styles Since the beginning of time, people have led and others have followed. Some ruled by terror and with an iron fist, others peacefully and with a gentle touch. In the average person’s everyday life, we encounter leaders of all different shapes and sizes, with various styles of leadership. There are strengths and weaknesses in each style of leadership, in particular, Democratic, Laissez-Faire, and Autocratic. These styles have overlapping qualities thatRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Leadership Styles994 Words   |  4 PagesEach of the leadership styles described in this week’s reading demonstrated unique qualities that would be beneficial when dealing with specific situations and social groups. Below, I outlined the three significant differences I observed in the text, and gave examples of how the differences connected to my own professional life. Difference #1: Intellectual leadership is a style prompted by the demand for change, which is rooted in creative problem solving. Burns states that â€Å"the life of an intellectualRead MoreCharacteristics Of Effective Leadership Styles2010 Words   |  9 PagesCharacteristics of Effective Leadership Styles Presented to Perry Barton, Instructor MGMT-1115 Leadership By William Allen June 21, 2015 What are the effective leadership styles? More importantly what are the characteristics of these styles. This paper will discuss in detail three topics and how they relate to effective leadership styles. We will start by evaluating business situations to determine whether the leadership style is participative, autocratic, leadershipRead MoreThe Personal Characteristics, Behavioral Approach, And Leadership Style Of Steve Jobs1972 Words   |  8 Pagesanalyze the personal characteristics, behavioral approach, and leadership style of Steve Jobs. A leadership inclination is quality, which is considered necessary for all senior executives, and not just for the general director. One human resources specialist described the search for the head of the information department: Previously, specialized knowledge would have been in the first place, but now more attention is paid to leadership skills than technical ones. What kind of leadership are required expertsRead MoreCharacteristics Of A G ood Leader1655 Words   |  7 Pagescertain behaviors and characteristics. Specifically from a management standpoint, it is important to understand these behaviors and characteristics so that the manager can demonstrate a certain leadership style that will work best within their own organization. There is a common saying within most organizations, stating that all leaders should be managers, but not all managers should be leaders (Sun). Aspiring leaders need to identify the various types of leadership styles that exist, as well asRead MoreCharacteristics Of Autocratic Leadership946 Words   |  4 PagesCommunity and Family Studies Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. There are four leadership styles, these include: Autocratic, Laissez-faire, Transformational and Democratic. Autocratic Autocratic leadership also known as authoritarian leadership, refers to the leadership style by which an individual has sole control of all decisions with little consultation from members within the group. An autocratic leader will typically make choices based on their ownRead MoreThe Diversity Within The Workplace1324 Words   |  6 Pagestheir look toward leadership has. The increased diversity in the workplace requires superior synchronization by identified employees to meet effectively the mission and vision of the organization. This individual must be capable of meeting the needs of subordinates with their area of expertise with set expectations for meeting organizational goals. While the world analyzed this need, several theories became known. These theories include: (1) path-goal; (2) situational leadership; and (3) contingencyRead MoreLeadership Styles And Theories Of Leadership Style1322 Words   |  6 Pagesall of the various styles of leadership that exist. Every org anization is structured differently, with differing employee behaviors, and it is the leader’s responsibility to implement the style that will work the best for their specific work or organizational structure. Often, more than one leadership style is implemented to accomplish the desired results of the leader (Blanken). While a multiple of leadership styles exist, three well-known and commonly-practiced leadership styles that will be examinedRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Leader?1338 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Leadership Theories The topic of leadership and what makes a good leader has been studied for many years and has resulted in various leadership theories. Early leadership theories focused on the qualities or characteristic that leaders possessed while subsequent theories considered other variables such as the leader’s behavior and situations. Each theory has its advantages and disadvantages. In this report, I will provide a detailed analysis of the Trait, Contingency, Behavioral andRead MoreLeadership: Discussion Questions684 Words   |  3 PagesLeadership: 1. Define leadership and explain its importance for organizations. Leadership is one of the most important and commonly discusses issues and topic in relation to organizational success. Actually, the strength and success of an organization is directly proportional to the strength and success of its leaders. Based on a summary of all ideas regarding this topic, Daft Marcic (2012) define leadership as the use of influence among people in order to achieve goals (p.371). Since influence Leadership Styles And Characteristics Of Leadership Trenton Carrere Mrs. Jackson Advanced Composition 28 October 2016 Leadership Styles Since the beginning of time, people have led and others have followed. Some ruled by terror and with an iron fist, others peacefully and with a gentle touch. In the average person’s everyday life, we encounter leaders of all different shapes and sizes, with various styles of leadership. There are strengths and weaknesses in each style of leadership, in particular, Democratic, Laissez-Faire, and Autocratic. These styles have overlapping qualities that either make them more or less effective. When trying to identify effective leadership, it’s important to look at a few specific styles, to identify them, then analyze the similarities and differences. There are many different styles of leadership that exist, for my purposes, I first chose to look at specifically the styles that were used most commonly in the everyday workforce. The first style I chose to look at was Laissez-Faire which is a French phrase meaning â€Å"let people do as they choose† (Cunningham Salomone and Wielgus 33). In essence, this is exactly what this approach does. Leaders allow the employees to make most, if not all the decisions. It’s also often labeled as a avoidant leadership style, causing employees to tend to view the leadership as uninterested or uninvolved. The second style, Autocratic, is characterized by the leader taking full responsibility for the project. The team members are told what needs to be done and areShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles And Characteristics Of Leadership1145 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership Styles and Characteristics Leadership goes beyond management, for some, leadership is instinctual and pours over into your personal life. This paper will discuss a leader I admire in my personal life, and analyze their leadership style. I will discuss how that leader has influenced my leadership style, as well as how things like environment and the economy affect my leadership approach. Leader and Company For as long as I can remember my mother has been a remarkable leader. When I wasRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Leadership Styles994 Words   |  4 PagesEach of the leadership styles described in this week’s reading demonstrated unique qualities that would be beneficial when dealing with specific situations and social groups. Below, I outlined the three significant differences I observed in the text, and gave examples of how the differences connected to my own professional life. Difference #1: Intellectual leadership is a style prompted by the demand for change, which is rooted in creative problem solving. Burns states that â€Å"the life of an intellectualRead MoreCharacteristics Of Effective Leadership Styles2010 Words   |  9 PagesCharacteristics of Effective Leadership Styles Presented to Perry Barton, Instructor MGMT-1115 Leadership By William Allen June 21, 2015 What are the effective leadership styles? More importantly what are the characteristics of these styles. This paper will discuss in detail three topics and how they relate to effective leadership styles. We will start by evaluating business situations to determine whether the leadership style is participative, autocratic, leadershipRead MoreThe Personal Characteristics, Behavioral Approach, And Leadership Style Of Steve Jobs1972 Words   |  8 Pagesanalyze the personal characteristics, behavioral approach, and leadership style of Steve Jobs. A leadership inclination is quality, which is considered necessary for all senior executives, and not just for the general director. One human resources specialist described the search for the head of the information department: Previously, specialized knowledge would have been in the first place, but now more attention is paid to leadership skills than technical ones. What kind of leadership are required expertsRead MoreCharacteristics Of A G ood Leader1655 Words   |  7 Pagescertain behaviors and characteristics. Specifically from a management standpoint, it is important to understand these behaviors and characteristics so that the manager can demonstrate a certain leadership style that will work best within their own organization. There is a common saying within most organizations, stating that all leaders should be managers, but not all managers should be leaders (Sun). Aspiring leaders need to identify the various types of leadership styles that exist, as well asRead MoreCharacteristics Of Autocratic Leadership946 Words   |  4 PagesCommunity and Family Studies Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. There are four leadership styles, these include: Autocratic, Laissez-faire, Transformational and Democratic. Autocratic Autocratic leadership also known as authoritarian leadership, refers to the leadership style by which an individual has sole control of all decisions with little consultation from members within the group. An autocratic leader will typically make choices based on their ownRead MoreThe Diversity Within The Workplace1324 Words   |  6 Pagestheir look toward leadership has. The increased diversity in the workplace requires superior synchronization by identified employees to meet effectively the mission and vision of the organization. This individual must be capable of meeting the needs of subordinates with their area of expertise with set expectations for meeting organizational goals. While the world analyzed this need, several theories became known. These theories include: (1) path-goal; (2) situational leadership; and (3) contingencyRead MoreLeadership Styles And Theories Of Leadership Style1322 Words   |  6 Pagesall of the various styles of leadership that exist. Every org anization is structured differently, with differing employee behaviors, and it is the leader’s responsibility to implement the style that will work the best for their specific work or organizational structure. Often, more than one leadership style is implemented to accomplish the desired results of the leader (Blanken). While a multiple of leadership styles exist, three well-known and commonly-practiced leadership styles that will be examinedRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Leader?1338 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis of Leadership Theories The topic of leadership and what makes a good leader has been studied for many years and has resulted in various leadership theories. Early leadership theories focused on the qualities or characteristic that leaders possessed while subsequent theories considered other variables such as the leader’s behavior and situations. Each theory has its advantages and disadvantages. In this report, I will provide a detailed analysis of the Trait, Contingency, Behavioral andRead MoreLeadership: Discussion Questions684 Words   |  3 PagesLeadership: 1. Define leadership and explain its importance for organizations. Leadership is one of the most important and commonly discusses issues and topic in relation to organizational success. Actually, the strength and success of an organization is directly proportional to the strength and success of its leaders. Based on a summary of all ideas regarding this topic, Daft Marcic (2012) define leadership as the use of influence among people in order to achieve goals (p.371). Since influence

Saturday, December 21, 2019

One Flew Over A Cuckoos Nest And Girl Interrupted...

In this world, there are two sides to everything. Whether it may be a message, a film or a novel, each platform of literature has two different windows. The first being the depiction of the author and the second being the interpretation of the audience. This concept is evident within both works this essay seeks to explore. In Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest, a charismatic criminal, Randle P. McMurphy is admitted to a state asylum due to his will of serving out of prison sentence in a mental hospital rather than the penitentiary. McMurphy brings in the outside world to the admitted patients after being legally declared insane through a condensed interview with a psychiatrist. He symbolizes freedom, life and the power of an†¦show more content†¦Oregon State Hospital in One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest was built using the Kirkbride Plan was its foundation. This meant the patients were to be treated with a high level of ethical respect, opposed to the treatment patients received in the book. The question that now arises is, just how realistic is the novel when it comes to the general rules, layout, and procedures in a mental hospital? â€Å"Both the book and the movie are insightful views into societal problems such as stereotypes about the people who have mental disorders. But the film is largely out of date in terms of depicting hospital staff as manipulative or evil. From what I saw when I worked in a similar institution, mental hospitals are a calm, healing environments—as they should be† (Wind Goodfriend, 2012). Wind Goodfriend, a Ph. D in social psychology, claims One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest inaccurately displays the workings of the institution in society today. Additionally, a 1983 study involving 146 university students found considerable negative changes in attitude towards people with mental health problems among those who had seen the film (Jon Swaine, 2011). One Flew Over a Cuckoo’s Nest evidently portrays authoritarian figures out of their roles as employees in a mental institution, rather they are showcased as manipulative and oppressive individuals. One Flew Over Cuckoo’s Nest displays the institutional processes and the human mind as

Friday, December 13, 2019

Admission to the Masters of Accounting Program Free Essays

1. The Masters of Accounting program requires teamwork and leadership skills. Please give examples from your past that illustrate your abilities in both these areas and show how you’ve applied them. We will write a custom essay sample on Admission to the Masters of Accounting Program or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have faced a number of knotty situations in life. On one occasion, I was working with the ADA or the American Diabetes Association. We worked as two groups and our principal task was to count and reconcile the checks, cash and credit card donations, which used to arrive in large quantities. One day an older man joined our team. Then our troubles started. Till that time we had worked without any mutual misgivings or bickering. With the advent of this person, our time schedules and procedures went haywire. I studied the situation and realized that all this was due to his reluctance to follow the established procedure. Every one, in both the groups, was compelled to go home late, due to this person’s obduracy. All felt that he should be suitably reprimanded, but no one was willing to undertake this unpleasant task. The question that was foremost on every one’s mind was ‘who would bell the cat?’ I jumped into the fray and gently but firmly convinced him that what he was doing was unacceptable. He was happy with this way of communication, because I had talked to him in private, so that his pride was not hurt. This had the desired effect and we were able to complete the work in time. In addition, I was also the secretary of the African Cultural Society. I was instrumental in planning and implementing the IREP Africa program at the College of William Mary. This task entailed coordination between and interaction with a number of fellow students, faculty and departments. I emerged much stronger as a coordinator, facilitator and administrator after this novel experience. The professed objective of this program was to unite African student organizations in Virginia and to improve their relations with each other.   I actively participated in several campaigns to raise funds for the underprivileged in Africa and one of them was in respect of poverty stricken women of Uganda. A successful and efficient accountant is one who is reliable, thorough, ingenious, a seeker of solutions, well organized and performance oriented. Of these the most important is trustworthiness, because accountants, in addition to their usual work, have to offer reliable advice regarding the conduct of business in the present day economic and legal context. Moreover, if accounting standards are not adhered to, then the company stands the risk of having to close down. The Sarbanes Oxley Act was enacted in the year 2002, in order to deal with such eventualities. Another important trait of an accountant is attention to detail. I possess this in ample measure. This fact was disclosed in my tenure as the treasurer of the African Cultural Society, between the years 2006 to 2007; and as the Vice President of the Syndicate. In these tasks, I maintained authentic and comprehensive financial records. I reviewed the internal financial controls and ensured that the organization’s moneys were safe. This club has a number of advantages and I took up aggressive marketing to ensure that its membership increased. The lack of ethical and moral accounting practices in business organizations results in financial frauds. This was clearly established in the following cases.In the year 2001, Enron announced a net loss of $ 618 million for its third quarter and that it would reduce the shareholders’ equity by $ 1.2 billion. The SEC immediately stepped in and demanded financial information from Enron. The Enron team of Auditor’s lead by their leader Anderson systematically destroyed a large number of financial documents. Subsequently, the Enron officials and its auditors were charged and convicted of fraud. This company had engaged in malpractices relating to financial accounting, with the result that the company became bankrupt. To conceal its malafide practices, this company indulged in complicated accounting practices. This illustrates the fact that accounting has to be ethical, transparent and morally upright. The consequence of the Enron case was that the law relating to accountancy was made more stringent. However, more than even legislation; personal attitude, morality and ethical behavior should have greater influence. WorldCom was another company, which also attempted to camouflage its fraudulent activities by resorting to fudging of figures and falsification of financial reports. The procedure adopted by its accountants was less sophisticated than that of the Enron team; nevertheless, it committed a much greater fraud than Enron. However, these cases were not isolated incidents and proved to be merely the tip of the iceberg. Several more such fraudulent corporations were investigated by the Federal and state regulators. The principal among these are Adelphia, HealthSouth and Tyco, to name a few. I have a flair for leadership and I often volunteer to lead in various academic projects. Recently, I took over the reins of project, involving the formulation of a business plan to be presented to the board of directors. This project emerged as a huge success, despite the difficulties encountered, due to having to lead a team of peers. The team comprised of persons with different temperaments and it required a lot of innovativeness and ingenuity to extract the best from them. I have tremendous patience, as can be attested to by the students of the second grade, whom I teach as a volunteer teacher in the Waller Mill Elementary school, in Williamsburg. The foregoing incidents from my life reveal that I possess a high level of integrity, reliability, planning and implementing capacity, motivational skills, inspiration, ability to work in a team and patience. 2.   What are you hoping to achieve during your studies in the MAcc Program? I will complete my Bachelor’s degree in accounting by the month of May, 2008. Subsequently, I intend to pursue the Masters of Accounting Program at the College of William and Mary’s School of Business. This course is truly outstanding and the faculty is the third best in the nation. Classes are typically small and informal. The emphasis is on acquiring expertise. The faculty is easily accessible, if one wants to clarify doubts. In conjunction with my considerable management and leadership skills, this knowledge in accountancy will render me highly suitable for obtaining the Certified Public Accountant license. My principal objective is to become a CPA. 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